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Privacy Policy

2022 - 09 - 01

With the development of new communication tools, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the protection of privacy. This is why FOR. design planning Inc. is committed to respecting the confidentiality and security of your Personal Information in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Collection of Personal Information

What information can FOR. design planning Inc. collect?

1. Personal Information:

  • Name
  • First name
  • Company
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Project type
  • Project area
  • Other details the user wishes to share about their project

2. Anonymous browsing information is aggregated and not individually accessed, but rather in a grouped manner:

  • Anonymized IP address of the computer;
  • Operating system of your device;
  • Pages viewed (date, time, duration, and frequency of visits to our websites);
  • Country, city, or province where the visitor accesses the website.

How are they collected?

  • Personal information is collected from a form filled out by the user on our websites or social media;
  • Anonymous browsing information is collected by "Google Analytics" from cookie files.

For what purposes does FOR. design planning Inc. use your Personal Information?

  • Cookie files allow for optimized navigation and improved content;
  • The nominal data collected is used to send newsletters, when consented to, as well as to contact you by email or phone when you have completed the contact form;
  • Both nominal data and anonymous browsing information are also used to compile statistics on the clientele and visitors of the website.

Right to Object

Please note that it is always possible to refuse the collection and/or use of data or personal information by the website. To do so, it is simply suggested not to interact with the features that are the subject of it or not to browse the website if the collection or use of data and personal information is problematic.

Right to Access, Modify, and Withdraw

Please note that it is always possible to access the data or personal information that has been collected in order to consult, modify, or even withdraw it. To do so, please contact us directly at

Security & Data Retention

The data and personal information we collect are kept in a secure environment. Members of our team are required to respect the confidentiality and security of this information. Data from cookie files is kept, in aggregated form, in the statistical audience analysis tool "Google Analytics". FOR. design planning Inc. will not sell or disclose your Personal Information to any third party, nor will it trade it. It will only communicate your Personal Information internally and this will be done in an aggregated manner, when communicated to a larger group such as through a newsletter. We are committed to maintaining a high standard of confidentiality by integrating the latest technological innovations to ensure the security of data and personal information collected or used by the website. However, as no mechanism is perfect, browsing the website and providing personal information thus implies the visitor's explicit consent to the risks involved.

Responsible for Personal Information Protection

For any questions regarding the collection and use of data and personal information, security, protection, and confidentiality of this information, or to make a request for access, modification, or withdrawal, please contact us at:


Please note that this privacy policy may change at any time to reflect, for example, changes in practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons.

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