Ogilvy & Outremont projects, winners of 9 Grands Prix du Design
2021 - 08 - 03
FOR. design planning projects, Ogilvy Montréal Offices & Outremont House, are both winners of the 2021 edition of the Grands Prix du Design, in the following categories:
Ogilvy Montréal:
- GOLD Winner, Office, Creative & New Tech Firm
- GOLD Winner, Signage & Branding
- GOLD Winner, Color
- SILVER Winner, Office 5,400 - 54,000 sq.ft.
- SILVER Winner, Aoustic
Résidence Outremont:
- GOLD Winner, Heritage conservation
- SILVER Winner, Residential space ≤ 1 600 sq.ft.
- SILVER Winner, Residential space, classic style
- SILVER Winner, Renovation Before/After
Click to see the Ogilvy Montréal Project description and pictures